Wherever I go, I always search for waterfalls to visit. There’s something about their natural beauty that inspires me and makes me feel connected with Mother Nature.
Waterfalls are incredible places that make you loose your words. Once you reach them, you simply gaze at them in awe and everything else disappears. From the most beautiful waterfalls in Asia to the incredible Niagara Falls, there are thousands of waterfalls waiting to impress you with their beauty.
In this post, I’ll share with you my favorite quotes about waterfalls. You can use them as a source of inspiration or you can share them with your friends. No matter what you choose, I’m sure you’ll enjoy reading these sayings about waterfalls.
Note – When there is no author specified it means that the quote’s author is unknown.
1. Short Waterfall Quotes
These short waterfall captions are simple yet powerful. They accurately capture the waterfalls’ strength and their beauty at the same time. Enjoy reading!
1.“Water is the driver of nature.” – Leonardo Da Vinci
2. Water your roots so your soul can blossom.
3. Nature’s shower.
4. Chasing waterfalls. Be back never.

5. “Just let go – and fall like a little waterfall.” – Bob Ross
6. Water is the cure to everything.
7. Look for tomorrow behind every waterfall.
8. There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.
9. I am like a waterfall – wild and free.

10. Home is where the water is.
11. Let this waterfall wash over me.
12. “There’s hope at the bottom of the biggest waterfall.” – Patrick Ness
2. Funny Waterfall Quotes
Are you looking for funny quotes about waterfalls? If the answer is yes, these are perfect for you! I’m sure that these waterfall sayings will brighten your day!
13. Waterfalls are nature’s waterslides.
14. It’s all water over the falls.
15. I would caption this with a waterfall pun but thats too mainstream.
16. Nature never goes out of style.

17. “In America, one sure sign of success is the presence of an unnecessary waterfall in a person’s yard.” – Demetri Martin
18. OK Mother Nature, I see you flexing.
19. The waterfall is nature’s laughter.
3. Love Waterfall Quotes
Love can be compared to a waterfall. It’s powerful, endless and it never looses its strength. Enjoy reading these awesome love quotes about waterfalls!
20. “Your love is like a waterfall, running wild and free.” – Chris Tomlin
21. Kiss me under a waterfall.

22. All anyone can hope for is just a tiny bit of love, like a drop in a cup if you can get it, or a waterfall, a flood, if you can get that too.
23. “Romance often begins by a splashing waterfall and ends over a leaky sink.” – Ellen DeGeneres
24. She’ll carry on through it all. She’s a waterfall.
25. I’m falling for you.
26. “I love you like a river that understands that it must learn to flow differently over waterfalls and to rest in the shallows.” – Paulo Coelho
27. “She dares me to pour myself out like a living waterfall. She dares me to enter the soul that is more than my own; she extinguishes fear in mere seconds. She lets light come through.” – Virginia Woolf
4. Inspirational Waterfall Captions for Instagram
These inspirational quotes about waterfalls are perfect as captions for photos. Use them for your Instagram feed or for your Facebook posts!
28. “There’s no better place to find yourself than sitting by a waterfall while listening to its music” – Roland R Kemler

29. “A river cuts through a rock, not because of its power but because of its persistence.” – Jim Watkins
30. I love the sounds and the power of pounding water, whether it is the waves or a waterfall.
31. I love places that make you realize how tiny you and your problems are.
32. “When the moonlight and the waterfall come together, all other things fade from the scene!” – Mehmet Murat Ildan
33. Waterfalls are exciting because they have power, they have rainbows, they have songs, and they have boldness and craziness!
34. A strong person and a waterfall always carve their own path.

35. We start in different places, but in the end, we all meet at the waterfall.
5. Wise Sayings about Waterfalls
Are you looking for more Instagram captions about waterfalls? These quotes might be the answer! They’re full of wisdom and capture perfectly the essence of waterfalls. Enjoy!
36. “I can see my rainbow calling me through the misty breeze of my waterfall.” – Jimi Hendrix
37. “Waterfalls wouldn’t sound so melodious if there were no rocks in their way.” – Rishabh Gautam
38. “Water is the most perfect traveller because when it travels it becomes the path itself!” – Mehmet Murat Ildan
39. “A waterfall is concerned only with being itself, not with doing something it considers waterfall-like.” – Vernon Howard

40. “Do not feel sad for your tears as rocks never regret the waterfalls”- Munia Khan
41. “As long as I live, I’ll hear waterfalls and birds and winds sing. I’ll interpret the rocks, learn the language of flood, storm, and the avalanche. I’ll acquaint myself with the glaciers and wild gardens, and get as near the heart of the world as I can.” – John Muir
42. Life is like a waterfall. It is always moving and there is always an uneven flow to it.
43. “While people are struggling unhappily in the cities against the cruel authorities, a waterfall happily and cheerfully flows in the nature; there is happiness only if there is freedom!” – Mehmet Murat Ildan
44. “There is a waterfall in every dream. Cool and crystal clear, it falls gently on the sleeper, cleansing the mind and soothing the soul.” – Virginia Alison
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45. God is discovered entirely through creation – the brilliance of a sunset, the powerful roar of a waterfall, the symphony of sounds you hear in the heart of the forest, or the vastness of space and its countless stars.
46. When you’re young, there’s so much that you can’t take in. It’s pouring over you like a waterfall. When you’re older, it’s less intense, but you’re able to reach out and drink it. I love being older.
47. “My desert soul erupts with turquoise water, floods and cascades and waterfalls rushing in around my rocky parts, pushing and reshaping and filling every hidden dark spot.”- Kiersten White
48. “The idea is that flowing water never goes stale, so just keep on flowing.” – Bruce Lee
49. A very wise quote is a spectacular waterfall! When you see it, you feel its power!
50. “They say that people who live next to waterfalls don’t hear the water.” – Jonathan Safran Foer
51. “There is a hidden message in every waterfall. It says, if you are flexible, falling will not hurt you.” – Mehmet Murat Ildan
52. “Sometimes, it’s hard to tell how fast the current’s moving until you’re headed over a waterfall.” – Kimberly McCreight
53. The cold and crystal clear water, it falls gently on the sleeper, cleansing the mind and soothing the soul…
54. “You don’t have the power to make rainbows or waterfalls, sunsets or roses, but you do have the power to bless people by your words and smiles. You carry within you the power to make the world better.” – Sharon Larsen
55. “Water does not resist. Water flows. When you plunge your hand into it, all you feel is a caress.” – Margaret Atwood
6. Final thoughts
Spending time in nature is always a good idea. Head to a waterfall and admire its beauty! I hope that these waterfall quotes inspired you as much as they inspired me.
Let me know in the comments section below which is your favorite quote! If you’re looking for more awesome sayings, check out my other articles:
May the travel bug bite you!